Welcome to the Old Carolians Association's website,

run for and by former pupils, and present and former members of staff, of King Charles I School, Kidderminster and its predecessor schools.

This site is

  • designed to keep members, prospective members and non-members alike aware of past and future activities of the Association, with news of the School and of our members; and
  • complementary to the The Old Carolian Magazine, the official and permanent record of the Association's business published yearly in September and issued to all paid-up members in late September/early October.

Please feel free to look round.  Several pages are automatically listed at the bottom of every page; those that you might find useful otherwise include:


A list of current members and their dates of leaving school is regularly maintained.  If you would like to become a member and are eligible to join, please complete an application form, and follow the instructions on it about submission and payment.  Should you wish to do it by hand, but do not have a printer, or if you have any other queries, then please contact us to request that one be sent to you by post.  The annual membership subscription is £10, payable on 1st January.

We extend a very warm welcome to the following members that have recently joined us:

  • Stephen Mills (1970)
  • Nigel Worton (1978)


A list of members, former members and associates about whose deaths we have been notified has recently been added; it is hoped that it will prove useful to everyone, and provide a lasting tribute to them, all in one place.

Social media

Not a section in itself, but a link to the 'Old Carolians Association' Facebook group that you might consider joining if you have not done so already.  It is administered by Ann Mullard, a Committee member, and is run in conjunction with, not as a replacement for, this website.  Please note that it is possible to be a member of the Facebook group without being an official member of the Association, but only members that are on this list are properly considered Association members.

Recent news

  • David 'Daz' Slater

    David 'Daz' Slater

    We have received the sad news that David 'Daz' Slater, of th…

  • Alan Neal

    Alan Neal

    With regret, we have received the news that Alan Neal, of th…

  • Pat Yarnold

    Pat Yarnold

    Sadly, we have received the news that Pat Yarnold, of the cl…

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Recent events

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