This page lists the current membership, and is as up to date as it can be.

To ease the task of finding your fellow members, this list has been sub-divided by leaving year bands in ascending order; it is arranged alphabetically by surname, and is intended to be read in rows. Honorary life members, appointed as such to mark their outstanding service to the Association and/or School, are indicated by * after their initials.

If you would like to become a member and are eligible to join, please complete an application form, and follow the instructions on it about submission and payment.  Should you wish to do it by hand, but do not have a printer, or if you have any other queries, then please contact us to request that one be sent to you by post.  The annual membership subscription is £10, payable on 1st January.


Last updated: 7/3/25 at 12:35 pm

Click on a band to take you straight to the relevant table.

19351939 19401944 19451949
19501954 19551959 19601964
19651969 19701974 19751979
19801984 19851989 19901994
19951999 20002004 20052009
20102014 20152019 2020–2024
Staff Associated Unknown


Left Name
1938 French, G W

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1944 Lewis, R A 1944 Truswell, G C 1942 Vaughan, T B

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1948 Blencowe, P C 1949 Bulmer, G H W 1949 Coulson, A W J
1945 Edwards, R 1945 Edwards, R J 1948 Hopkins, D J
1949 James, M F 1946 Moule, D 1949 Moyle, J C
1945 Northover, P A 1949 Nott, W J W 1946 Oliver, O J
1948 Peacock, N J 1946 Penney, B A 1949 Rogers, D H
1946 Sandall, R H 1946 Stokes, J G 1947 Ward, D J
1945 Ward, L S        

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1953 Allsopp (OBE), D K, Cdr 1953 Allton, G R 1953 Anthoine, A
1954 Aubrey, D R 1951 Barker, G S 1952 Barker, P W
1951 Baynton, R F 1950 Beresford, A J 1951 Bishop, A
1951 Blencowe, C H 1954 Blood, I M 1953 Blount, E
1952 Blount, R 1951 Butts, D 1951 Clarke, D D, Dr
1954 Edwards, D J, Dr 1954 Evans, B E 1951 Godbehear, M J, Capt
1950 Haslam, P G 1952 Isaacs, J 1951 Jansen, D A
1951 Marsland, T A, Prof 1950 Massey, M J 1952 McCarthy, P J C
1952 McCartney, D P 1953 Mole, A E 1953 Morgan, T
1954 Morris, G A 1952 Munn, L H G 1954 Oliver, D
1954 Orr, G S 1954 Payne, C W 1953 Pugh, R
1950 Rees, T L 1950 Silk, R A H 1952 Smith, B R
1954 Spokes, D M 1950 Stradling, G W 1954 Taft, R
1953 Tomes, J R R 1954 Tyers, R J 1953 Ward, M J
1951 Watkins, D J        

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1956 Allsopp, T R 1956 Anderson, R J P 1955 Aston, D C
1956 Bacon, J D 1957 Bailey, B L 1959 Clarke, C B
1956 Cook, J H 1958 Corneby, R 1959 Cowley, B
1958 Cox, P H 1955 Darkes, C G 1955 Eaton, R G
1956 Friedl, A R 1959 Gilbert, C D 1957 Gillis, I J
1955 Grainger, C S 1956 Grant, H R J 1959 Greaves, D A
1955 Green, A M, Dr 1956 Guy, D F 1957 Hall, M F
1959 Harris, C A 1955 Herring, R F 1959 Higham, R W
1957 Hobson, M A * 1959 Hughes, J T 1956 Hughes, T P
1956 Isaacs, D A 1959 James, D 1958 Jones, B
1956 Jones, B A 1956 Kimberley, G 1957 Langdon, M J
1959 Miller, A R C 1957 Millward, G R, Dr 1955 Mitchell, J S
1957 Morris, E R 1957 Morris, S D 1955 Motteram, B M
1957 Owen, G E 1957 Pagett, C M 1959 Palmer, R J
1959 Perks, S T 1957 Picken (QPM), P J * 1959 Plester, K L
1956 Powell, R D 1958 Preece, T J 1959 Robinson, M D
1959 Smith, M J 1956 Southall, G R 1955 Stooke, M J
1959 Turvey, R F 1955 Watkins, A J 1959 Weaver, A A
1959 Wilson, M J 1956 Wright, K N    

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1961 Anderson, A G, the Rev 1964 Bampfield, J J 1960 Batchelor (OBE), A J
1960 Bill, D J 1960 Broadfield, N E * 1964 Broadfield, R F
1962 Bunn, A 1962 Bunn, K 1962 Charteris, R R
1960 Christopher, D J 1962 Cooper, B J 1961 Crossland, J
1962 Davis, J L 1964 Down, M J 1962 Dredge, P F
1962 Dudley, B 1961 Elcock, A J 1961 Evans, R G
1962 Frampton, P H, Prof 1964 Gallagher, M 1964 Greaves, B J
1962 Guy, P C L * 1961 Hale, H M 1961 Handley, P R
1960 Haywood, M P S 1962 Hewson, D P 1961 Hughes, C P, Dr
1963 Insull, M T 1964 Ives, A G, Dr 1962 Jinks, A F
1964 Kedward, R 1964 King, R A 1964 King (née Green), R J
1962 Knowles, N 1962 Lawson, C B F 1960 Lewis, B P
1961 Lloyd, C E 1961 Masters, P 1963 Mayfield, J J
1960 Meadows, M J 1963 Morgan, G P 1960 Murgatroyd, J B
1963 Nash, A R 1961 Nicholls, R J 1961 Oxendale, R H
1964 Packwood, C J 1961 Page, C J 1964 Penney, S
1963 Payton, G R 1961 Perks, M J 1961 Perrin, D R
1962 Pickersgill (née Lumb), P E 1964 Pitt, N C H 1960 Ramsden, P T
1961 Reynolds, C 1960 Rivers, R J, Prof 1961 Ryder, K
1964 Saunders, A W 1962 Shellie, M J 1964 Slater, M
1964 Smith, C J 1962 Smith (née Bannister), S P 1963 Taylor, G R
1963 Taylor, M A 1961 Teale, C 1963 Thomas, D J
1963 Thomas, D R 1962 Tolley, N 1961 Vaughan, P L
1964 Trout, K J 1962 Vingoe, R 1962 Wall, M R
1961 Waters, P 1964 Watkins, G M 1962 Weale, G C
1964 Webb, J R L 1962 Weston, K S 1963 Willetts, J
1962 Willetts, P 1962 Willison, M 1961 Wood, R
1963 Wood, S V 1964 Woolley, R N 1963 Wright, A J
1960 Yeates, R A        

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1968 Andrew, J P 1967 Annis, R F 1966 Barrand, R W
1966 Bell, P D 1969 Bentley, C E 1964 Benton, A R
1967 Binns, A R J 1969 Clark, D R 1965 Cook, M
1968 Davies, G R 1968 Davis, P 1967 Easton, M J
1966 Garrett, B J 1969 Gavin, A 1968 Gough, B D
1968 Green, P 1966 Griffiths, M D 1966 Hall, J K
1968 Harrison, C R 1967 Hildick-Smith, N D 1967 Hill, T J
1966 Hobbs, M J D 1966 Hockley, C 1966 Hooper, P F
1968 Ineson, J S 1966 Jeffries, R M 1967 Jewkes, K T
1967 Jones, J F 1969 Kedward, P C 1966 Kidd, A J
1966 King, C B 1966 Longmore, P J 1966 Lowe, L, Dr
1965 Martin, R 1967 Mathews, J D 1967 Meadows, S
1967 Mills, D J 1965 Milner, P A 1968 Muir, A H
1965 Northfield, B C 1969 Perks, R C 1967 Price, A J
1965 Reynolds, A W 1967 Rice, A R 1965 Robinson, P
1968 Royle, P D 1965 Sayner, A A 1966 Smith, C D
1968 Torode, R B 1965 Towers, D E 1965 Watkins, R A
1968 West, W S 1965 Willetts, J 1968 Wilson (CB, CBE), D
1968 Worsley, P W        

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1990 Austin, G 1972 Bradley, J W, Dr 1974 Brighton, R J
1974 Chester-Browne, R 1970 Church, A W 1970 Crumpton, M J
1973 Dadford, A M 1974 Dalman, J 1970 Dixon, A N
1970 Geary, N A, Dr 1970 Green, D W 1974 Harrison, P B
1973 Hatt (formerly Jones), T 1971 Higgott, G L, Dr 1970 Hipkins, G
1970 Hooper, C B 1971 Hughes, I W 1971 Jasper, D J
1974 Johns, R B 1974 Lench, M J, Dr 1973 Lloyd, R O, Dr
1973 Mays, R 1971 Meadows, M S 1970 Mills, S J
1973 Oakes, C 1972 Phelan, G T 1973 Pinner, B W
1971 Simons, D S 1973 Stanczyszyn, R 1970 Taylor, G J
1970 Ward, A J P 1970 Watson, D L 1973 White, T J
1971 Wolski, P J 1974 Wood, B S 1970 Wyer, P F

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1978 Alderson, R N G 1976 Allen, S 1979 Al-Muheb (née Anderson), S E
1978 Bishop, N 1975 Boyd, J W 1979 Bryson (née Gibson), S J
1979 Burrows, P 1978 Cartwright (née Wakefield), S 1979 Coates, I J
1978 Coulson, D J K 1975 Cox, P 1976 Crimp, M W J
1978 Farmer, N M 1976 Green, A 1979 Guyatt, S
1979 Harris, C 1979 Harris, D W 1979 Hawkins, L
1979 Hudson, P J 1979 Hutchins Payne (née Torode), L 1978 James, J J
1975 Jansen, G D 1978 Kearns, P T 1979 Kerrigan (née Morton), G D
1979 Kerrigan, J 1978 Kirk (née White), T M 1975 Lacy, N J
1975 Longmore, R 1978 Marlow, N 1978 Melley, R E
1978 Menzies (née Salt), L 1976 Meredith, M J 1978 Millie, A J
1976 Mole, D W 1979 Moore (KC), M J 1979 Moore, P S
1979 Moule, A J 1979 Mullard, A (staff) 1979 Needham, D W
1975 Nock, J S 1976 Pas, A M 1978 Penney, J
1979 Poole, P J 1979 Reeley, C I 1977 Rogerson, R
1978 Salisbury (née Bennett), R S 1979 Smith, C R J 1979 Smith, K
1976 Sproston, L R 1979 Sutton, J 1977 Thirsk, M R
1979 Todd, S 1979 Tomkinson, S J 1979 Tristram (née Moule), L
1976 Waldron, J 1975 Whatley, A E 1979 Wisniewski, E A
1977 Wood, K 1979 Wood (née Gooder), L H S 1978 Worton, N J

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1980 Archer, A S 1981 Binnersley, P G 1980 Bonnick, D N
1980 Brown, A J 1981 Clark, P A 1982 Corbett, M J P
1982 Edwards, D C 1980 Forbes (née Owen), L 1984 Gittins, A C
1982 Harvey, J A 1980 Haywood, D J 1980 Jenner (née Penn), F J
1980 Jenner, M W 1980 Kowalik, A J 1980 Mann, N R
1983 Mansell, M J 1980 Morrison, G G 1980 Newbould, A A
1981 Pardoe, D C 1983 Smith, P D, Dr 1981 Snaith, M J
1982 Tate, S 1982 Walker, D J, Dr 1982 Wyer, S J

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1985 Bennett, J G 1987 Bird (née Broadfield), C 1985 Brandt, M R
1986 Broomfield-Harrison (née Broomfield), L 1985 Gittus, M A 1986 Hobson, J A
1986 Jones, S D 1985 Jones, S 1986 Knight, J E
1987 Knight, S J 1989 Lamb, M, Dr 1987 Owens, L J
1986 Perks, N (staff) 1985 Sandall, I R W 1987 Whitefoot, H M
1987 Witts, J Y        

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1990 Broadfield, H 1994 Calder, M J 1994 Calder, P J
1993 Das (née Barker), K V 1994 Humphries, E J 1991 Miah, S

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1998 Avens, D T 1998 Barth, C 1999 Bolt, D
1997 Da Costa, J 1999 Davies, C M J 1997 Denton (née Wilkinson), G
1996 Eades (née Guy), L P 1997 Fairbrother, C 1996 Farthing (née Christopher), S D
1999 Galloway, J A 1999 George, S S 1995 Green (née Collins), F J
1997 Green (née Dunne), R J 1997 Groves, D A 1997 Hall, D M
1997 Harris, S 1997 Hartwell, S L 1997 Hopper, P J
1997 Hughes, C D 1997 Jenkins, S 1995 Ledger, R M
1995 Mayfield, R J 1997 Morris, M 1997 Richards, N C
1995 Sprosen, A 1997 Starbuck (née Smith), K 1998 Tidmarsh, R J
1997 Williams, A E        

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2000 Bennett, R S 2000 Bull, T G 2001 Corbett, A
2001 Corbett (née Loveridge), T 2000 Fuller (née Moore), D M 2000 George, S
2002 Kidd, V H 2000 Morgan, D B, the Rev 2002 Morgan, T E
2000 Painter, R W 2000 Stubbington, M J T, Dr 2000 Thornhill, L

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2005 Amos, A R 2009 Attwood, J W 2007 Baulk, M
2005 Bennett (née Hines), K L (staff) 2009 Bernhardt, C J 2009 Blackford, M E
2006 Cooper, E L 2008 Cooper, H 2006 Crosher, A R
2009 Davies, S P 2006 Douglas (formerly Faulkner), J A 2008 Dredge, G P
2008 Escott, H 2006 Escott, W J L 2009 Heseltine, M W
2006 Holland, P G 2007 Hustwit (née Pietkowicz), H C 2007 Kimberlin, A J
2007 Knight, K J 2007 Neri (formerly Harvey), M 2009 Powell, P I
2008 Rogers, W J 2009 Whitehouse, N E 2007 Whitehouse, V K

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2011 Adamson, S T 2010 Brookes, B R 2014 Cadwallader, T G
2010 Clarke, S A 2010 Cooper, R J 2010 Davis, R T
2011 Evans, K J 2014 Gilbert, A L 2012 Gittins, H
2010 Greenfield, K A J 2010 Lee, E D 2010 Pearsall, M A
2014 Philpotts, E 2010 Rowan, E L 2010 Sloan, J I
2014 Sutton, H K 2010 Sutton, R L 2010 Vaughan, S E N
2014 Williams, D H 2012 Williams, J M    

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2015 Adamson, B G 2015 Barker, K L 2015 Bateman, C H
2016 Knight, M T 2015 Lawrence, B J 2015 Sadler, A M

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2023 Brown, L 2023 Lawton, C  2020 Macphail, L
2020 Philpotts, K I        

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Staff Amos, E Staff Atkinson, J K Staff Bason, A D
Staff Burnett, Y Staff Butler, J (ex officio) Staff Combes, C E R
Staff Gulliver, T * Staff Laverty, D R Staff Thomas, K, Dr
Staff Willmot, C F        

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Associated Heath, L R Associated Roberts, S

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Unknown Hodson, P C Unknown Howell, E L Unknown Ray, A
Unknown Tatlow, P Unknown Tyrer, S    

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