The 100th Annual Dinner will take place on Saturday 21st November from 6:30 pm for 7:30 pm until 11:30 pm at Kidderminster Town Hall, hosted by President Pat Yarnold.
Pat Yarnold, who presided over the 100th Annual Dinner of the Old Carolians at Kidderminster Town Hall, has had a 52-year association with King Charles I School. He was a pupil at the old grammar school at Woodfield, later taught at the 'new' school and is now a governor. Many of his former pupils and colleagues were amongst the 230 diners.
Speakers during the evening were Wyre Forest MP Dr Richard Taylor, Headmaster Tim Gulliver and Duncan Groves, who was a pupil of the 'new' King Charles I School.
Two stalwarts of the Association were made Honorary Life Members: Martin Humphries, retiring after twelve years as Association Secretary, has spent 20 years as a school governor and was founder of the OCA website; and John Longmore, former Carolians cricketer, has been a committee member for 40 years. Both are former presidents.
The first Old Carolians Association dinner was held in 1899, but the intervention of two world wars caused the 100th anniversary to be delayed until this year.
Tony Bishop, a Past President of the Association, Official Correspondent