The 96th Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday 3rd November from 8:30 pm at Chester Road Sports and Social Club, hosted by President Patrick Yarnold.
Reporting on his year in office, the outgoing President, Pat Yarnold, began by thanking all the officers and committee members of the Association, who had contributed to making his year in office such a rewarding and enjoyable one. He then reviewed the various functions, both formal and social, that he had been involved with during his term. The President concluded by expressing his pleasure at the news given by Peter Guy, Membership Secretary, that 48 new members had joined the Association during the year.
Peter Picken, the Association's Treasurer, addressing the President, said that, in his opinion, endorsed by everyone present, he had undertaken his responsibilities in an exceptional manner in what had been a very special year for the Association.
Peter went on to present his detailed financial report, which showed a small surplus for the year of £85 with a cash bank balance of almost £3700 after current liabilities for magazine printing costs had been deducted. Additionally, merchandise stock held by the Association was currently valued at £1400. It was noteworthy that, during the year, £1350 was awarded by the Association in scholarship grants to pupils of the school attending their first year in higher education.
Elections then took place for Officers and Members of the Committee for the coming year 2010-2011, full details of which can be viewed in the 'About Us > The Committee' section of this website, which is updated around this time each year.
Joe Kerrigan, in his opening remarks, said that he was honoured to be elected President and hoped to live up to all the Committee's expectations during the coming year and, in particular, would hope to emulate the success of the previous president by continuing to increase the membership of the Association.