The 100th Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday 29th October from 8:30 pm at Chester Road Sports and Social Club, hosted by President Charlie Combes.

2014 Annual General Meeting

'The Autumn leaves, drift by the window, the Autumn leaves, of red and gold, I see your face, the summer kisses...'

The lyrics of this old classic came to mind as a select group of Old Carolians met for the 101st Annual General Meeting at Chester Road Sporting Club.  No one has bettered the Frank Sinatra version of this song.  Members had dragged themselves away from the annual awarding of the Mercury Prize on television, handed to the Young Fathers.  If you are going to pick a prize winner from a dozen obscure albums of which no one has ever heard, then why not this one?  The comparison between Frank and the Young Fathers is like comparing Monet to the rude drawings of Tracey Emin.  That's my opinion, anyway, for what it's worth.

Outside the Sporting Club, it was foggy and drizzly, but, inside the building, the camaraderie and good humour was much in evidence.  'Stormin' Norman was placed on the naughty step, eating his pork scratchings and shunned, Ebola like, from the rest of the group.  He was preparing his teeth, he said, for the visit to the dentist the next day.

President Charlie Combes was in the chair, wearing his chain of office.  Apologies for absence were recorded as David Slater, Ian Sandall, Peter Guy, Stephen Brownlow and Ann Mullard.  Ann has been developing a journalistic career with articles in 'The Daily Telegraph'.  This is a lady that is carrying the Old Carolian banner to the highest reaches of London society and we await developments as proudly as she does.

Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting were accepted, and then Charlie reported on his year in office.  He said he had really enjoyed his year as President and thanked Association Secretary Colin Lloyd for all his invaluable help.  Colin is retiring this year, too, and members were unanimous in thanking him for the tremendous job he has done over his period of office.  Several events were the highlights of Charlie's year.  The Dinner had been rather hair-raising, not just because he was seated next to our MP, but also because it was a responsibility to preside over 103 guests, including a large group of ex-High School ladies, attending for the first time since the schools were amalgamated 36 years ago.  The Remembrance Day service in Woodfield Hall was another memorable occasion, held for the first time and attended by a large group of Old Carolians and their guests.  The King's Anniversary ceremony was back in the King Charles Room again this year, and this was by far the best place to hold it.  The barbecue was seriously in danger of being called off because of the inclement weather, but Tim Gulliver came to the rescue by suggesting the undercover outside lunch area in the middle of the school.  A great time was had by all.  Charlie praised Brian Gittins and Colin next for organising the formal Dinner held on 26th September and attended by 23 ex-presidents.  Charlie had been unable to attend the Old Elizabethans' Dinner and was capably represented by Senior Vice-President Richard Woolley.  It was Charlie's 30th wedding anniversary, he said, spent in Las Vegas.  The things men have to do to earn a few brownie points.  Charlie thanked Richard for his support and wished him every success as President next year.  Finally, Charlie mentioned two events that he had also enjoyed: the beautiful Evensong Service at St Mary's and the recent quiz, which raised about £200.  Ken Garbett had done a superb job organising the welcome fish and chips during that evening.

Next, Martin Easton handed in the accounts of the Scholarship Funds distributed during the year.


This was followed by the Election of Officers for 2014-2015:

President: Richard Woolley

Senior Vice-President: Ken Ryder

Junior Vice-President: Ian Sandall

Association Secretary: Tim Gulliver

Treasurer: Peter Picken

Membership Secretary: Peter Guy

Magazine Editor: Norman Broadfield

Website Administrator: David Slater

Auditor: Tony Kidd

Then, Committee Members for 2014-2015:

Stuart Arch (Head of Sixth Form, ex officio)

Keith Bowkett

Stephen Brownlow (Headmaster, ex officio)

Charlie Combes

Martin Easton

Ken Garbett

Martin Hobson

Joe Kerrigan

Colin Lloyd

Ann Mullard

Andy Moule

Roger Perrin

Peter Vaughan

Pat Yarnold

All were unanimously elected.


Charlie made the formal presentation of the Old Carolian chain of office to Richard 'Frank' Woolley, who thanked all those present and said that he looked forward to the next year.  He said that he had already been thinking of the Autumn Event and was planning a musical evening.  He hoped that he would do the job even half as well as Charlie had done it.  No doubt the AGM evening would be ideal to make news on Facebook or Twitter before too long.  We really do need more youngsters amongst us to bring us old codgers into the 21st century.


'Captain' Peter Vaughan, Chief Political Correspondent