2016 Choral Evensong for the commemoration of Charles, King and Martyr
About fifty people, including the choir, attended the annual Choral Evensong held to commemorate Charles I, King and Martyr. The service was taken by the Rev Rose Lawley. The hymns chosen included two written by Richard Baxter, 'Lord, It Belongs Not to My Care' and 'Ye Holy Angels Bright'; the other hymn was 'All My Hope in God is Founded'.
The first reading was taken from the book of Isaiah and is known as 'Israel's Apostasy'. The second reading was taken from St Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, and was titled 'Spiritual Gifts'. These readings were delivered with great clarity and erudition by King Charles I School's Headteacher, Stephen Brownlow, and our President, Ken Ryder.
In her address to the congregation, Rose Lawley expanded on St Paul's epistle concerning 'Spiritual Gifts'. In Latvia, there was an even division of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant sections of the Christian Church. As a result, no section was dominant and they co-existed peacefully. The thrust of her sermon was that we should all try to live in peace with one other.
The three collects read were appropriate for the service, being 'For King Charles King and Martyr', 'For Peace' and 'For Aid Against Perils'.
Richard Woolley, Acting Religious Affairs Correspondent