Our President, Arthur Miller, hosted a 'Vinyl Evening' at Chester Road Sporting Club from 7 o'clock on Friday 11th October.

2019 Autumn Event (vinyl)

Our host for the evening, President Arthur Miller, will supervise the operation of the various items of audio equipment for playing 78/45/33 vinyls.  He hopes some members and their quests will bring their favourite vinyl records so that they can be played for the enjoyment of all who like nostalgia!

We are charging £7.50 a head, which includes a sumptuous fish and chip supper.  There will be a raffle, for which donations of prizes will be gladly accepted.

To enable us to order the appropriate quantity of food, it would be most helpful if you were to confirm your booking and payment at your earliest convenience, but not later than Wednesday 9th October.

There are two ways of booking for the evening's entertainment:

1) By email and internet transfer (click here);

2) By post using the required application form (click here).

Please come along and enjoy yourselves, recalling happy musical memories from your younger days.