The 112th Annual Dinner took place on Saturday 19th November from 6:30 pm for 7:30 pm until 11:30 pm in the Oldfield Hall, King Charles I School, hosted by President Tim Gulliver.
Sixty-eight members, or those eligible for membership, of the Old Carolians Association, Kidderminster High School for Girls Old Girls Association and Hartlebury Old Elizabethans Association and guests enjoyed an excellent meal served in a friendly manner by Plyvine caterers. As usual, Peter Picken was the mastermind in arranging and supervising Plyvine's participation in this annual event.
The toast to the Old Carolians Association was proposed by Jamie Butler, the Headteacher, who, during his address, was able to report on the increased number of high-level examination results at both GCSE and A-level this year. He also highlighted non-academic achievements by individual students and school teams.
In response, Tim thanked Jamie for his considerable level of input to all aspects of the School's activities and, not least, his close working relationship with the Old Carolians Association. Tim described in some detail his 'adventures' as a young teacher and his subsequent appointment to the headship of King Charles I School during a period of significant change in the teaching profession.
(Although not mentioned at the event, it is noteworthy that the school is now a member of the recently established Four Stones Multi Academy Trust. The actual 'Four Stones' are to be seen on the summit of the Clent Hills, overlooking Kidderminster and Hagley.)