The annual Autumn Event, this year a quiz, took place on Friday 13th October from 7 pm for 7:30 pm at Chester Road Sports and Social Club, hosted by President Tim Gulliver.

2023 Autumn Event (quiz)

Our annual quiz was hosted by our President, Tim Gulliver, and his wife, Bev, on Friday 13th October.  A great deal of thought and effort had gone into making the night more than just another quiz night.  Tim had produced fifty photographs with 'unusual angles' of places in Kidderminster as an interval round.  Many thanks to Tim for all the hard work; it was very much appreciated.

With a total of 110 marks available, 'We Need All The Help We Can Get' romped home with 99.  Coming second, with 93, were 'Air Cadets', closely followed on 91 by 'Handicap and Flo'; 'What a Team' won the booby prize!  The picture quiz was also won by 'We Need All the Help We Can Get'.  Tim, very generously, provided prizes for the winners, runners-up and 'tail enders' as well as for the picture round winners.

Hot, freshly cooked and tasty fish and chips were provided courtesy of Pete Picken's organisation, and a raffle, with prizes donated by the Committee, gave the Association a profit of about £130 on the evening.  A vote of thanks to Tim was given by Norman Broadfield, and a good time was had by all.

Richard Woolley, Entertainment Correspondent