The 114th Annual Dinner took place on Saturday 23rd November from 6:30 pm for 7:30 pm until 11:30 pm in the Oldfield Hall, King Charles I School, hosted by President Norman Broadfield.

2024 Annual Dinner

Norman returns for seconds as President!

If ever there were a person more deserving of a second helping as President, none could be as deserving as Norman!  A reasonable, although, as of recent years, slightly disappointing, number of members and guests gathered for Norman's second coming.  We would love to see more members attend this special event, which is any President's evening to remember.  I still remember mine, even if it was because Tim Gulliver, despite maximum effort, couldn't stop our guest speaker from boring everyone to tears!

I have to say that the Rev Tim Williams bought into the mood of the evening with a quite wonderful 'Saying the Grace'.  It was amusing, very, very suitable for the evening, and brought quiet chuckles from those assembled.  He booked his invite for next year!

After an enjoyable meal and the normal initial toasts, Jamie, the Headteacher, outlined the school's achievements for the year.  Under his leadership, the school is going from strength to strength.  As Old Carolians, we are fortunate to have a Headmaster at the school who is so supportive, and who appreciates the efforts of our organisation and affiliated trusts to help the school.  He proposed the toast to the Old Carolians.

In response Norman, having thanked Jamie for his kind words, reflected on the year – 1987 – when he was originally elected President (quote 'got the job for the first time' unquote).  He reflected on growing up in the 40s and 50s with the annual charabanc trip to the seaside.  One special memory was the stick of rock and he never could quite understand how they got Weston-super-Mare lettered all the way through!  The anticipation of getting tongue and teeth stuck into it is an image that remains, even after 'nearly a hundred years'!

With all the colours of rock now available, Norman reflected on the masters at King Charles and which colour they would represent.  Johnny Drake would be 'whitest of white' and he taught Norman the importance of being socially acceptable but disciplined, as well.  Jake Potter would be dark green, representing the 'fug' in the Cadet Hut.  Jake opened Norman's eyes to the very broadest appeal of culture in life.  As an aside, Norman recounted how Jake appeared, uninvited of course, in the congregation at his wedding in Cheltenham!  George Oxendale comes to Norman as representing very dark blue.  As with all pupils of a certain generation, Norman had several stories to tell about George, and your correspondent has difficulty in knowing which one to choose from those he recounted!  As a result, I will leave them all untold!  From George, Norman learnt the value of disciplined commitment and organised control.  The regular personal commitment to the roller and rolling the cricket square came to mind as a good example.  The last colour chosen was red and, quite naturally, came with Jim Charlton, Kings' Housemaster, as its representative.  Jim taught Norman how life can be enjoyable both as an individual and as an active member of a team, getting out of life what you put in.

Summarising the above, Norman recounted how these four men had set him on the lifestyle he had pursued ever since.  He recounted how he never quite got into Kingsley Morton Raw, and would describe his colour as grey.  He had told Norman that he spent too much time at the High School and that his A-level results could suffer as a result!

To go to the core of Norman's address – the future.  Something needs to be done.  Important members of the Committee have left us this year and several senior members wish to stand down after very many years of service in key offices.  The Association has certain events that are important to its fabric, but also certain, especially social, events that are in their death throes.  The intention is that a series of 'think tanks' be set up to discuss where we go in terms of its financial, social and general future elements.  The integration of the Old Girls' Association and, in due course, the Old Elizabethans should be included therein.  As I write, the first Zoom meeting has taken place, and views and proposals are being exchanged.  Through the two trust funds, students of the school in its current format are being supported in their further education.  Hopefully, these beneficiaries can become the future of this Association.  Norman proposed a toast to the School.

We sang the National Anthem and 'Auld Lang Syne' with Past President Martin Wall doing the honours on the piano.  The formalities having been completed, the raffle was drawn.  It was won by Penny Perrin, whose husband, Roger, is one of those retiring long-term Committee members who have served the Association over many, many years.  Thank you, Jamie, for, yet again, allowing the Association to use the School hall for the meal.

Richard Woolley, Blounts – yellow rock lettered all the way through – Custard Correspondent