The annual Autumn Event, this year a quiz, took place on Friday 11th October from 7 pm for 7:30 pm at Chester Road Sports and Social Club, hosted by President John Hall.
Concentration, Exertion, Innovation, Anticipation!
John, with help from his assistant Jan Taylor, put six teams through their paces at the Autumn Event. Among the bottom five teams, it was a close run matter, with only a few points separating second place from sixth place. The winners, however, were a further nine points ahead. In no particular order, the teams were Austins, Crackpots, Fab 4, Blue Team, Who Knows? and Simple Minds, with Simple Minds – the youngest outfit – easily out pacing Who Knows? and Austins in the race for first prize. Rounds were on a wide ranging variety of subjects and the gentle level of 'little grey cell' exertion made the evening fun for all.
John's innovation, in my opinion, really aided the flow of the evening. He handed out typed lists of the questions for each round so that there was no 'Please can you read out number four again, John?'. Excellent idea! We reached the half-way mark just as the food arrived, which, again, was impeccable timing. A separate interval quiz, identifying brands from parts of logos, saw a three-way tie among Austins, Blue Team and Simple Minds. There were enough prizes from those donated for the raffle to overcome this situation!
At the end of the evening, after the prizes had been presented and the raffle drawn, John thanked those who had helped him run the evening: Pete Picken for organising the fish and chips, Jan for acting as his assistant, Joel Douglas for advertising the event, Tim Gulliver for dealing with applications, and Pete Guy for general support and advice. A vote of thanks to John and Jan was given by your correspondent as an enjoyable evening came to a close.
Richard Woolley, (must brush up on) Pop Music and Sport Correspondent