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2013 Annual Dinner
Ensuring that the top table guests sign the official record of attendance.
A veritable hive of activity.
Norman Broadfield's place wouldn't have been complete without a pint of something!
Demonstrating the correct way to butter a bread roll!
Beryl Bedford gives the benefit of her full attention.
There's plenty more to come.
Stephen Wyer contemplates whether to consume his soup straight from the bowl!
Dave Laverty's still waiting for his starter.
Our School representatives dress to impress.
Taking it one mouthful at a time.
Perhaps the melon's a bit too sweet!
Someone has to bring up the rear!
The top table guests show how it's done.
More ice for your bucket?
'I've got one for you. What's yellow and dangerous?'
'Good health!'
Colin Lloyd and David Morgan were on the ball.
The customary wide angle.
'Now, you've been told once already!'
Martin Hobson was possibly about to sneeze!
'Did I ever tell you the one about...?'
Waiting for the main course.
'Why are we waiting?'
'This one has hints of...'
When will the others realise that Campbell Slater's played a practical joke on them?
Checking the football scores!
'This one's got all the latest features.'
'I couldn't give a ...!'
And now to the sophisticated side of the room!
Martin Hobson kept those around him entertained.
'You're never going to believe this...'
A quick rest between courses.
'Cleanliness is next to Godliness.'
A bit of star-gazing.
Tales of the unexpected.
Tim Gulliver received his Honorary Life Membership certificate from President Charlie Combes.
As did Pete Picken QPM.
Martin Hobson got one, too.
Our Sixth Form guests certainly look the part.
The all-important register of official attendance does its rounds.
The event always manages to raise smiles.
And occasionally some despair!
'You'll never guess what I heard...'
The main event.
The men waited patiently-ish.
With so much to catch up on, the ladies didn't mind waiting a bit longer for their mains.
President Charlie Combes worries that Headteacher Tim Gulliver is choking!
Further congratulations to Pete Picken for his Honorary Life Membership award.
A lifetime of service from Martin Hobson.
Kidderminster's premier catwalk!
Quantity: check; quality: check!
'Going once; going twice; sold!'
'Today's lecture will focus on...'
A proud moment for Pete Picken.
Every orator's dream - a captive audience!
Pat Yarnold AKA Agent 008!
Something to stick on the fridge!
Yes, Pete Guy is standing on a step!
What an array of brilliance!
Mark Garnier regales us with anecdotes from the Palace of Westminster.
No, they're not on commission from the Social Tie supplier!
Inter-generational Bishops!
I didn't know that Advocaat was served by the pint!
Everything seems to be going swimmingly.
Everyone seemed to be sufficiently fed and watered by this point.
These guys are far too shrewd to be caught out!
'Another bottle of red when you get chance, please!'
There was a whole year of catching-up to do!
The pace will soon pick up.
This should be made into a calendar!
'You must let me refresh your glass.'
The evening always ends on a high note.