With regret, we have received the news that Alan Neal, of the class of 1969, died on 19th August.

Alan Neal

Posted on Thu 22 August 2024

Regrettably, we must announce the death of Alan Neal, on Monday 19th August of natural causes.

Alan left the School in 1969, and went up to Brasenose College, Oxford, where he read law.  Proceeding to the College of Law, London, Alan was later admitted as a solicitor.  Having decided that he wished to specialise in fiscal matters, Alan took a second qualification to become a chartered tax adviser, which gave him the necessary experience to pursue the subjects that interested him.  In 1974, Alan joined Ivens and Morton of Kidderminster; through various mergers, the firm eventually became mfg as we know it today.  Moving to the Halesowen branch, Alan became office partner and finally managing director, and forged a national reputation in finance and trust law, so much so that he was named in Legal 500.  In 1993, Alan became a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, serving in Birmingham and on the organisation's technical sub-committee.

Having once remarked that 'work is a passion for me', which explains his propensity for having undertaken regular 60-hour weeks, mainly through travelling to meet clients at locations that suited them, even in retirement Alan was never inactive for long.  Having been the School's chair of governors for many years, Alan was asked to 'move upstairs' to become a Member of The Four Stones Multi Academy Trust, the highest body that sets the strategic direction for the parent organisation of our School.  He served as this Association's President in 1991–1992, and was also a trustee of the Roy Woodward Educational Foundation, which not only supports the School monetarily, but also provides grants to school-leavers for their higher and further education endeavours.  This role was a perfect fit for him, as, for many years, he was able to rely on his training to help with land-related matters.

Owing to the sheer number of people whose lives were touched by Alan, it is expected that many will wish to pay their respects.  The funeral will take place on Friday 20th September at 1:30 pm at Wyre Forest Crematorium, and afterwards at Stourport Sports Club.  Anyone planning to attend is asked to contact Rachel Summers on rachel.summers@mfgsolicitors.com or 01562 820181 so that catering may be arranged accordingly.